When she first contacted me via Facebook Messenger in May 2020.
Hi! Are you making gowns right now?
Yes I am still making gowns, but only custom design.
The wedding was February 2021.....we had time.....and then the Pandemic never slowed down, travel restrictions, it just went on and on. So this is what we did.
Good evening! I hope all is well. I’m following up and reaching out because I’m in Florida and I know no one wants us traveling to them anymore lol.
July 2, 2020
You sent July 2, 2020
I know there has been some state to state restrictions...We won't be deterred by that. I will send some sketches and we can zoom a meeting. You stay safe.
She made her choice out of the sketches sent.

Fabrics were 4ply silk and Crepe back satin Silk. Taking out the creamy colors, she wanted to keep it in the peach/copper coloring.
I often will incorporate fabrics, beads, buttons or more from family members who are important to the bride.
Hi Cassandra! I found this bag that contains the pieces of a broken necklace. It belonged to my future mother in law who asked me to figure out how to repurpose them last year. I thought they might be able to be included somewhere? I have my mom searching for other pieces.

They are pieces of shell. My MIL and I have a lot of shared interests and she’s been a wonderful person to me. She would be so surprised and I hope to honor her too. I’m marrying her only child lol.
Melissa also sent me a top her Grandmother wore, that would also be used in the dress.

As we moved along travel still restricted so I created a muslin and sent it to her with instructions. Who ever she went to was great. The took notes and I was able to transfer that to my pattern.

There were 2 muslins sent down to Florida and both seem good. It was then time to cut the dress in the fabric and sew.

The dress would be embellished with gold pearls and the shells.

We only met once in person, Melissa was able to come to NY for the 1 and only fitting. The dress fit well and I had still more beading to do, but we were in a good place. Most of all the Bride wasn't having any panic attacks concerning her dress.
The dress was sent Fed Ex about 2 weeks before the big day.
Photos by Gasen Pierre of Photos by Gasen

Beautiful and unique. This wedding dress is an heirloom.
Thank you for making this process as easy as possible! Your experience and professionalism was invaluable. As a DIY bride, this was one of the only things over with I didn’t “worry”. I mean, I’ma pandemic bride so there was a little worry but none of it lasted. My dress was perfect. I felt like a Queen. My groom cried. Success! I still love it.
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