Inspirations, Ideas, and Stuff — Crafts RSS

Your Invited to Harlem for the Holidays

We are gathered together in December 8th and 9th for a creative fun filled weekend. I will be there with these artists, Sweet Octavia (Fashion), Pat Mabry (Patchwork), Latrella Thornton (Crochet), Art from the Planet (Accessories & Home Decor) and of course our Hostesses Shimoda (Jewelry, Accessories and Books) and Laura R. Gadson (Home decor, glassware, and more). December 8th and 9th 12pm - 6pm 225 West 134th Street btwn Adam Clayton Powell Jr. and Frederick Douglass Blvd 212-694-0262 Visit

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Museum Day(s)

I don't take Museum Days often enough (which has to change), but recently I visited 2 of New York's finest, Museum of Arts and Design and The Metropolitan Museum of Art. These Visits are always so inspiring which resulted in 2 videos so I can have a reference......and exercise my inner Spike Lee. Museum of Arts and Design     Metropolitan Museum of Art/Unpacking Fashion       Save

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